Did you know you can refer yourself for some local services, without seeing a GP? Please see below some organisations in your area:
Mental Health
To refer yourself for counselling, please complete the form here. You can also call 020 8206 3924.
Emergency Crisis Number: 0800 0234 650 (open 24 hours a day)
A list of useful apps that can help with mental health: general wellbeing, depression and anxiety, eating disorders and younger people
Samaritans (for anyone, any time for any reason): 116 123
Childline (under 25 years old and their relatives): 0800 1111
Silverline (for over 50 years of age): 0800 470 8090
Cruse Bereavement Care 0808 808 1677
Child Bereavement UK (9am-5pm): 0800 0288840
Child Death Helpline: 0800 282 986 / 0808 800 6019
Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide (9-9 daily): 0300 111 5065
Miscarriage Association: 01924 200799
Tommy’s Miscarriage Support (M-F: 9-5): 0800 0147 800
Relationship Support:
Domestic Violence:
National Domestic Violence Helpline: 0808 2000 247
Advance (Brent): 07398 545 898 / 020 8741 7008
Drug and Alcohol Help:
Alcoholics Anonymous: 0800 9177 650
Gamcare (gambling problems): 0808 8020 133
Narcotics Anonymous: 0300 888 1212
Smoking Cessation:
Planning a Pregnancy:
Already Pregnant:
Referral for Antenatal Care at Northwick Park Hospital
Appointment Information for Northwick Park
Unplanned Pregnancy:
NUPRAS: 0333 004 6666
Marie Stopes: 0345 300 8090
BPAS: 03457 30 40 30
Sexual Health
Local Sexual Health Clinics in both the community and hospitals. These clinics can test and advise on sexually transmitted infections and give advice and start some contraceptives.
Lifestyle Advice
NHS Advice for Obesity and Overweight
Find local weight loss support groups
Park Run (weekly 5km fun runs)
Exercise for those with Cancer
Exercise for those with Dementia
Exercise for those with falls and frailty
Exercise for those with Rheumatological Diseases